Important 16 Marks Questions In IT2352 & Cryptography & network Security 
Important 16 Marks Questions In IT2352 & Cryptography & network Security
- Explain in detail about any four substitution techniques
- Explain in detail about OSI Security Architecture?
- Explain playfair cipher & vernam cipher in detail ?
- Explain briefly about data encryption standard & types of attacks on double &TripleDES
- Discuss in detail RSA algorithm , highlighting its computational aspect and security.
Perform decryption and encryption using RSA algorithm with p=3 q=11 e=7 and M=5. - How discrete logarithm is evaluated for a number? What is the role of discrete logarithms in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange in exchanging the secret key among two users?
- Describe the MD5 message digest algorithm with necessary block diagram
- Explain the operational description of S/MIME
- Explain in detail operation of Transport layer security in detail
- Explain in detail about IP Security with neat diagram
- Explain in detail about Malicious Software
- Write short notes on Intrusion detection
- Explain in detail about Password Management